Section Perspective Drawings as an Architectural Presentation Tool
These images were made for many of the architecture projects that I worked on while at Merge Architects. Usually, we developed different design options based on the same computer model. Looking back on all the time spent tweaking models, re-rendering, re-photoshopping, it’s kind of nice to go back to my archives and see them all laid out like this. This is a small sampling of some of my favorites. There are many, many more tucked away on my hard drive.
Section Perspective Renderings were a very popular presentation tool in our office. Part drawing, part perspective rendering, they allowed the clients to visualize life inside the space after our interventions. Couple these with a plan, and a few perspectives, and you’ve got yourself a very effective presentation. The projects in this set include a few loft and home renovations, a bathroom renovation, a roof deck, a retail clothing store, a bakery, and a restaurant/bar/lounge.